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100k Mailbag Special
Page 4
19. OMG, a long letter ;)
Q: I just wanted to say that I love this site! It's really awesome. Now, onto the questions:
1. I saw last week that you posted a letter showing the cover of two Xenogears books. I was wondering if you knew of a site where I could order them. I missed out on getting Perfect Works, but I'd love to find Daggers. Also, in Japan, did you know that there was also a book of Xenogears postcards and two comic books produced? I thought it was interesting, but I couldn't find out anything else.
2. I know that it's supposed to be possible to defeat Hammer, but how do you do it? How strong do you have to be? I've tried five times and I still can't beat him!
3. This is not really a question, but, has anyone else seen the funny conversation between Citan, Fei and the female doctor in Kislev. While you're a prisoner, Hammer takes you to the top of the building in the civilian section. You can get down by taking the stairs or jumping over a chimney to the ground. If you don't try and jump into the chimney, you'll run right down it and end up in the bathroom! When you come out, the female doctor and Fei have a funny reunion, with Fei having a little explaining to do to Citan about how he knows this woman "in these clothes"! It's a really great secret!!
1. Again, I'll do a favor for you like I did for Nick. BTW, you have any more info on them things you just mentioned. I want a Fenrir postcard!
2. Hey, Hammer is beatable, and I did it. My team of Seibzehn, Fenrir and Weltall 2. Fist off, have a DeathBlower1 equipped on Seibzehn. By the time Hammer goes red, you must have Seibzehn at AL3, Fenrir at AL3 or Hyper Mode, and Welatll 2 with Hyper Mode/System Id. Also, Booster is necessary. Now, have Seibzehn AL1 Hammer, as with Fenrir (or use Hyper Mode's highest attack). Weltall 2 is obvious. If done properly, Hammer will fall and you will receive the Trader's Card, an excellent item to receive items with.
3. I've seen it, I think it's built into the game. It does show a lighter side to this serious game though.
20. Who is he?
Kahran Ramsus
Q: First off, I would just like to say that this is the best Xenogears site on the web, and I hope it keeps doing as well as it is. Now here is my question: Did you ever find out who that guy was at the end of the game with the radio thing?
Hyuga: Well, the PW book doesn't really mention who this guy is officially (as if he was that important), and no trace in the game mentioned his true identity. However, the most common idea is that he is Siggy's assistant, the helmsman trainee in the bridge of the Yggdrasil. The Interactive Guessing Game has a new question, but you can find everyone's ideas in the archive. I advise you to check it out, many are downright hilarious.
21. Ammo for the Generator
Q: About half a year ago, some body had ask where did the name "Grahf" came from. I'm not sure, but in the Xenogears ost, Grahf's name is Graaf. Have you ever heard of the Van de Graaf power generator? Thats where I think the name came from, the name was changed during the translation. It make some sense too, because they both are powerful. Also, I never seem any EthLightAmmo for Billy before, where you get those?
Hyuga: It might be where Grahf's name is from, but you never know. It does make sense. And another fact for us in North America, Citan was also named Shitan in Japan. We can all see why it was changed.
Ether Light Ammunition can be received by using the GameShark 'All Items' code, or possibly by fiddling around in the Debug Mode, which I'm doing now. I doubt it's available during the game, but I didn't find it very useful.
22. More Extractomania (IV)
Q: Okay, guys your site really "Stands tall and shakes the Heavens." But I was wondering, what tools and proccess did you use to extract the movies from the Xenogears discs? If the tools are file heavy please send them to me, and I would like the complete dos commands too. Thanks, and oh yeah, Kick ass!
Hyuga: How many times must we tell you? Telling us we're great doesn't help you get posted. Oh, and we can't send the files, since all extraction methods are secrets. You can view the movies with LUNAR, or with the GameShark's Debug Mode. I found the movie viewer!
23. Double Diad
Q: I´ve a little tips for the card games, not big though, but if u pause the game during playing the card game u will have time to think out where the cards should be (much easier).
Hyuga: Thanks. Maybe I'll use that someday. If only I didn't have the GameShark to grab all my items now. Seriously, I use that thing to get me items when I'm being lazy (yes, only after I've beaten it normally).

Instead of a Mailbag next week, we're having the Mailbag Awards. I'd have them done this week, but I was strapped for time. Oh well.

I know there's more of you who read this then those who send me letters, so how about more of you folks send me letters? Don't worry, I won't bite. Actually, I'd like some more intelligent letter writers. I know you're out there. So, to get the ball rolling, here's a new topic for the week after the next. Music. Tell me your favorite Xenogears song(s) (choose up to three), and maybe your favorite videogame song(s) too. As well as why they're your favorite. The best written letters will be posted.

One word: Creid! All Xenogears fans, go get this album. I've heard all the MP3s. and I just ordered the album, and it's excellent. Go on, get it. You know you want it.

Well, now that this is over, the only thing left to say is 'Adios'.


-Hyuga "HyugaNet the Canadian" Ricdeau-

Quote: "I guess Lady Luck was on our side."