
Maps, anyone? Here are 4 of the most useful maps
you can take a peek at during the game. And take note, only this
site carries them! Choose which map you need, then click on the
link to access it. |
World Map 1
-- This is Disc 1's map. All the areas are labelled and should
give you enough info on how to position yourself during the course
of Disc 1
World Map 2
-- This is Disc 2's map. The areas are labelled, and even the
secret portions are revealed. For more tips on the secret areas,
visit the Secrets and Cheats Page
Shevat Tunnel Map
-- This is the map for Shevat's underground shafts.
Merkava (DEUS) Maps
-- Before fighting the last boss, -Deus-, you need to go through
a series of head-scratching mazes. Use this map to easily move
your way through the labyrinths