Young Wang never fails to amaze
us. His works are ultra-crisp, very professional looking, and
his anime style is totally awesome. We were very lucky to arrange
an interview with Young amidst his very hectic schedule, and
he eventually told us some of his work techniques and secrets.
Here are the info we dug up, along with Young's favorite works. |
Interview |
Nutz: What are your main mediums for these
lovely artworks? Maybe you can tell us what Programs you used
to edit such masterpieces?
Merle: I usually draw everything with pencil and paper,
leaving them in sketch
form. After I scan them in and clean them up, I usually use programs
photoshop or Xara to redo the lines, or if the lines were inked,
just add
color. =} |

Final Eve |
Nutz: Are you applying any unique techniques?
Seems like your artworks are of sheer crispness and perfection...
any secrets behind it?
Merle: Hmm.. not really, just patience. =} |

Flying High |
Nutz: What inspired you to make fan artwork
out of Xenogears characters?
Who's your favorite character?
Merle: Hmm.. I like the story, my favorite character
having to be Fei, because he's such a coward. =} He lies to himself
about everything,
hiding in his own little world, proving the hero doesn't have
to be
perfect, as long as they are willing to admit they make mistakes. |
Nutz: Of all the masterpieces you've done,
what's your favorite artwork?
Merle: I really don't have a favorite, for each time
I do a new piece, that becomes my current favorite. I tend to
get tired of my own work after a while and it all looks pretty
bad to me. =^^; |
Nutz: What are your favorite artwork topics?
(like maybe anime titles)
Merle: Cute girls! =}
Nutz: Do you have any advice/s for art beginners?
Merle: Practice! And never give up. =} Sometimes, you
look at your own work and feel it's not good enough, but if you
don't keep going, it never will be good enough =} |

Garden |
Nutz: Are you offering your services for
studios out there? They might want to hire a gifted artist like
Merle: Yes, but maybe after I graduate, in a year or
so =}
Nutz: This is the free comment part -- you
can say anything you want ^_^)
Merle: Meow. =} |
So from the bottom of our hearts, we thank Young (Merle) for
his time, and we bid him goodluck in every future endeavor. If
you want to see more of Young's works, you can visit the Fanart section, or you can go to his
Homepage mentioned above. He also offers drawing tutorials in
his site, so you might want to check it out!