Hey, did you know that I was once a 3-time WWWF Champion, plus,
I won those Wimbledon and Pulitzer Prizes, and some baseball
and basketball NBA titles? Yep, it's true.. I read those notes
in the Zeboim Library (lighthouse), and I am totally shocked
on how NERDY I was back then. Imagine, I was also a silver screen
superstar?! Que barbaridad! Anyhows, it appears like I
slipped in one of the awarding ceremonies and hit my head hard
on the floor.. gee.. after that they said I went home brain-damaged
and burnt out.. DOH! Man, they were wrong.. I was enlightened
I tell you!! After that incident I have truly found my calling,
and I am the living descendant of the King himself, Elvis...
hail to the King, baby!