However, behind
every illegal action this group commited, there was a purpose
deeper hid in Bart's heart. He strives to find a way to gain
back what was rightfully his.
In their desperation to amass their firepower and boost up their
military capabilities, the sand pirates held a race against the
enemy in digging for the perfect weapons and gears left behind by the earlier civilazations.
Here Bart came to acquire his gear, Brigandier, along with the
information about a "perfect" gear named "Weltall". He and his
party then sought to gain possession of this mythed gear, but
without a clue about its whereabouts.
Until one day, they stumbled upon the very thing they where searching
for, with only one complication.
The gear already found a pilot, and it wouldn't accept anybody
else. The pilot, Fei, also had no intentions
of freely handing over the gear to Bart. And thus, a battle was
called for, which surprisingly led to Bart offering allegiance to Fei.
And now, the true battle for Bart's rightful place, will commence.

NAME: Bartholomew Fatima |
AGE: 18 |
HEIGHT: 6 feet 1 inches |
WEIGHT: 158 lbs. |
FIGHTING STYLE: Use of whips |
LIKES: Yggdrasil, military
tactics, fame, his gear, annoying and taunting people, grooming
DISLIKES: Failure, Shakhan |