Long before the proliferation of humans
on the planet, certain primitive lifeforms existed that lived
in tribes and in accordance with nature. They were gigantic in
size, and were mostly peace-loving, cute, fuzzy creatures, called
And then, heaven spawned a race of fleshly, less haired beings,
called the
humans. |
With the sudden
appearance of this new race, the chuchus suddenly grew less in
number, and came to the point of near-extinction. Their height were mysteriously reduced
to less than 5 feet, and their abilities dwindled. |
one day, Fei and his comrades had the experience of finding one
of these lost species in the form of Margaruite's pet, ChuChu. The little cutester
had an instant crush on Fei, and promised to give her all for
him. True to her word, she came in the very moment she was needed
by the group, and faced the hulking gear, Achtzehn.
And to everyone's surprise, Chu-chu grew in size and strength,
reverting back to her ancestor's true form and enhanced abilities.
She then fought courageously as how her species once did.
And thus the question... what was the history behind the chuchu's
sudden disablement? How did ChuChu grew back to her normal size?
All the
answers were in Shevat.

NAME: Chu-Chu |
AGE: Unknown |
HEIGHT: Smaller than 4 feet? |
WEIGHT: 48.4 lbs. |
FIGHTING STYLE: Chuchu free-style martial
arts (cute!) |
LIKES: Fei, chu-chu people,
Margie |
DISLIKES: the enemy |